विषयी स्वात्मना यत्र प्रकृतानुपयोगतः ।
विषयात्मत्वमभ्येति परिणामस्स ईरितः ॥
When the vishayin is by nature incapable of doing something, for which it has to be the same as vishaya, it it known as Parinama.
Classifications of Parinama
अयं च परिणामो द्विविधस्सामानाधिकरण्यवैयधिकरणाभ्याम्। सामानाधिकरणेsपि समासगो वाक्यगश्चेति द्विविधः|
The Parinama alankara is of two types (1) Samanadhikarana (2)vyadhikarana.
the SamanadhikaraNa is also of two types (A) samaasaga and (B) vaakyaga.
1(A).सामानाधिकरणे समासगः
द्विरदाधिपवरदानस्फुरदादरणस्य फणिगिरिनियन्तुः ।
सुरदानवनुतकीर्तेर्वरदायि कराब्जमवतु सुकुमारम् ॥
Here, the lotus is by itself not capable of giving alms etc in natural course. Therefore it has become similar to the hand of Almighty Lord to fulfil this. Therefore it is Parinaama. कराब्ज is a samaasa. Therefore it is an example of सामानाधिकरणे समासगः.
तावकशुभगुणसौरभविसरैरधिवासितं सतां स्वान्तम् ।
दुर्दान्तदैवतान्तरदुर्गन्धं दूरतो जहाति हरे ॥
Fragrance cannot by itself entitle it to be in vicinity of Good people. Therefore, it has compared itself to the good qualities of the lord to entitle it to remain in vicinity of the good people.
बुध्वा चार्यानुग्रहसिद्धाञ्जनतोsञ्जनाचलेन्दो त्वाम् ।
वशयन्विशदस्वान्तो भृशमभिनन्देयमुपशमिततृष्णः ॥
श्रीवेङ्कटाद्रिशेखरकटाक्षमयकङ्कटावृतो योगी ।
चण्डकरमणडलमपि प्रवेष्टुमीष्टे सहस्रहेतिमयम् ॥
1(B). सामानाधिकरणे वाक्यगः
किंनु तया संपत्त्या वैधात्र्या वाsपि कर्मपरिणत्या ।
त्वां प्रेप्सोर्वितर हरे भक्तिं धनमेव मे विरक्तिघनम् ॥
Here the wealth is not capable of being distributed to the devotees, therefore, it has been combined with bhakti so as to render it capable of being distributed. The poet has made it clear beforehand that he is not even inclined in the wealth of the Brahma. Therefore the need to combine it with Bhakti.
फणधरधरणिधरेन्दा स्मरणं तव चरणयोः कतकरेणुः ।
संशयधूसरतां नस्संशमयति हंत सर्वतत्वार्थे ॥
अधररुचा रागवती नलिनवती नयनपाणिचरणेन ।
लक्ष्मीः प्रभातलक्ष्मीराधत्ते नः प्रबोधमनवधिकम् ॥
यत्र विषयस्य विषयिताद्रूप्यापत्त्या प्रकृतकार्योपयोगित्वं तत्र रूपकम्, यत्र तु विषयिणो विषयताद्रूप्यापत्त्या कार्योपयोगित्वं तत्र परिणाम इति।
Another classification of Parinama alankara
वदनेन्दुना तन्वी शिशिरीकुरुते दृशौ ।
Here, face itself cannot cool eyes, therefore it is necessary to be combined with moon. Therefore it is known as आरोप्यमाणपरिणामः. (i.e. the विषय is incapable of doing something by itself and it has to rely on the आरोप्यमाण)
2. विषयपरिणामः
वदनेन्दुना तन्वी स्मरतापं विलुम्पति ।
Here, the moon itself cannot remove the pain of lust and has to rely on face. Therefore the आरोप्यमाण is incapable of doing it by itself and therefore it has to rely on the विषय. Thus it is an example of विषयपरिणामः.
A. अर्थशक्तिमूलपरिणामध्वनि
कल्पमहीरुह कल्पय निरतिशयां संपदं नितान्तं नः ।
यां सन्तोsनुभवन्तो जन्मजरादिव्यथां न धावन्ति ॥
Here there is combination of kalpataru and Lord.
B. शब्दशक्तिमूलो
कंजायताक्षि मुग्धे संज्वरमनुविंदसे सखि किमर्थम् ।
आशास्व घनं कृष्णं येन त्वं शान्तिमेष्यसि क्षिप्रम् ॥
This is an exclamation of a friend to a Gopi.
संज्वर removal - krishna is himself incapable of removing fever therefore it is dependent of Ghana (cloud)
whereas if it refers to the fever of sensuality, cloud can not remove it, it has to rely on Krishna.
Therefore it is an example of शब्दशक्तिमूलो
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