Sunday, August 1, 2010

upamaa alankaara part IV - (लुप्तोपमा -धर्मलुप्ता)(elision of धर्म)

शरदिन्दुसदृशवदनं स्फुरदिन्दिरमहिगिरीन्द्रकृतसदनम्|
कुन्दसुमोपमरदनं बृन्दं महसां धुनोतु भयकदनम् ||

Here there is elision of धर्म in both शरदिन्दुसदृशवदनं and कुन्दसुमोपमरदनं. Here the words शरदिन्दु and कुन्दसुम are उपमान, सदृश and उपम are वाचक: and वदनं and रदनं are उपमान. Here the धर्म (common quality) is conspicuous by absence.

Therefore this is an example of धर्मलुप्ता.

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