Tuesday, August 3, 2010

upamaa alankaara - part V (लुप्तोपमा - धर्मवाचकलुप्ता)(simily with elision of धर्म and वाचक both)

भिन्तामपाङ्गरेखा सन्तापं दन्दशूकगिरिनेतु:||

May the line of the अपाङ्ग (a sectarial mark on the forehead or the outer corner of the eye of a woman)which is (like) beautiful offspring of the wind wandering in the groves of sandal-mountain, remove the pains of those who are leading to the दन्दशूक - a kind of hell full of serpants.

Here there is no explicit mention of the quality which is same between चन्दनगिरिकन्दरचरसुन्दरतरगन्धवाहशाब and अपाङ्गरेखा which is the quality of giving pleasure (आनन्ददायिता).

Also there is no mention of the वाचक (the propositions used for showing equality such as इव, सन्निभं, निभ, उपम etc)

Thus there is simily, but without धर्म or वाचक. Therefore it is known as धर्मवाचकलुप्ता alankaara.

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